“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Psalm 23

The Tree of Life – A Growing Memorial
(available in Gold, Silver, or Bronze leaves)
The Tree of Life provided an opportunity for our parishioners to memorial their loved ones when the Church was built in 2001. Since ancient times, the tree has been a symbol of life, growth, and renewal. As recorded in Genesis, God created the Garden of Eden and placed the Tree of Life at its center to provide shelter, food, and comfort.
Memorial Gifts
The loss of a family member or a friend can be a painful experience that can be lessened by the support of caring individuals who take the time to tell you how that person made a difference in their life. You can help perpetuate the memory of a loved one by making a gift in his or her memory through our Tree of Life.
Gifts in Honor
Many special occasions- weddings, graduations and other events that bring families together to honor accomplishments and achievements. You may wish to consider making a gift in their honor through our Tree of Life.
A gift of $4,000 will be recognized with a name engraved on a gold leaf. A gift of $2,500 will be recognized with a silver leaf. A gift of $1,000 will be recognized with a bronze leaf.
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta de cómo hacer una donación para poner su nombre en un hoja de el arbol, porfavor llame a la Oficina Parroquial (433)792-9456
For more information on how you can make a difference or if you need help in setting this up, contact Mary Foley in the parish office 434-792-9456 or [email protected]